period four
There has to be something to look at
there must be something to concentrate on,
when limitations are in excess
and all attention is drawn to you.
Throw a pen to the teacherıs face
write a note waving like a tail
as she barks you commend her
for playing dead for the rest of class
shed her fur and skin her hide
process it for a womanıs foot
kick her with this homemade boot
make all bleed leatherıs best when wet
The whistle is calling all you bored houndogs
Drooling cause youıre fooling yourself
Youıre not really alive while you sit here
Spit at eachother and watch us run away
Chase our partnerıs tail
and rip it off his butt
with no tail you are
no longer a mutt
Get outta the house you donıt belong here
into the cold go get yourself a beer
All undefined species report to this
get a drunk whore you deserve a kiss
French doesnıt cut it for me
Slit itıs throat and watch it die
no one does like to be trapped here
when the snow is falling
That plant looks like a jungle
itıs green,
but different shades
her voice gets pretty annoying
my body, I am just sick of it
as we all squirm in our chairs
we miss every word said to us
some time has passed
but not enough
Iıll just read this
over again